Meetings for 2008-2009

Monday, October 20, 2008 7:45 p.m.

Speaker: Dr. Vello Soots, President of MST

Presentation: Amanitas: Friends or Foes

Description: Vello's talk will be about the distinctive features of this genus and he will describe a variety of species both familiar and exotic. He will also explain why some are friends welcome at the table, and others are dangerous foes to be avoided.


Monday, November 17, 2008 7:45 p.m.

Speaker: Madi Piller, MST Member

Presentation: Another View of Mushrooms: Artistic Photographic Creations

Description: MST member Madi Piller is an experimental filmmaker and former producer and director of television commercials who has a passion for animation. Be sure to attend this unique multi-media presentation.


Monday, February 16, 2009 7:45 p.m.

2 Presentations: a NAMA CD and a DVD

Topic: Naming Mushrooms: Who's My Daddy? by Michael Beug of NAMA'S Education Committee

Description: This CD is a look at 49 of the author's favourite mushrooms and why their scientific names have undergone changes over the last 30 years. These changes reflect ongoing understanding of genetic relationships, the discovery that sometimes our mushrooms that have European names differ from their European counterparts, the fact that some mushrooms we thought to be of one species are, in fact, several different species, and why common names have even more pitfalls than scientific names.

Description: This will feature Taylor Lockwood's glorious mushroom images set to baroque and classical music. This DVD has been called "mushroom meditation" and should be very appealing to our group.

2nd Topic: Treasures from the Kingdom of Fungi: by Taylor Lockwood

Description: This will feature Taylor Lockwood's glorious mushroom images set to baroque and classical music. This DVD has been called "mushroom meditation" and should be very appealing to our group.


Monday, March 16, 2009 7:45 p.m.

Speaker: Dr. Greg Thorn, Associate Professor, University of Western Ontario

Presentation: "Mushrooms in the City"

Description: This talk will be with a definite urban/homeowner interest and theme. Some or all of the mushrooms on lawns (and their risk to pets or children grazing them); decay fungi on your street trees, in your basement, on your deck; edibles (and the compounds that mushrooms bio-accumulate, including radioactive chemicals and heavy metals): and urban/indoor oddities.


Monday, April 20, 2009 7:30 p.m.

Annual General Meeting for 2008-2009

Speaker: Michael Warnock, MST Member

Presentation: "Indoor Fungi"

Description: Michael Warnock has been studying the fungi that grow in homes and offices for over 10 years, and in that time he's encountered a few surprises! Anyone who thinks that moulds are the only fungi that have discovered how to live comfortably in our dwellings will be both delighted and disturbed by the diversity of fungal organisms that may be hiding in your walls.

