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Programs and Services of the MST


Informative monthly Speaker Series meetings are held in October, November, February, March and April. Guest speakers present lectures on mycology and related topics, usually illustrated with slides.

Walks and Forays

Walks and forays led by member volunteers and guest mycologists are held regularly during the spring and fall mushroom growing seasons. These informal outings provide an opportunity for members to collect and study wild mushrooms and enjoy nature. They are usually held on the weekend, a short drive from Toronto. Walk guides and foray leaders help you to learn to identify mushrooms and other fungi in their natural habitat. Please note that the MST does not provide transportation to the forays! Members are responsible for arranging their own transportation.


The Mycelium, a quarterly newsletter, keeps members informed about club meetings, forays and other events. It also includes articles, recipes and information on international mycological activities.

Gourmet Mushroom Dinner

An annual MST Gourmet Mushroom Dinner, usually held in the fall at a local restaurant noted for its mushroom cookery. The dinner is for MST members only.

Cain Foray

A weekend outing held in September at a location within easy distance from Toronto. Activities include forays led by member volunteers and guest mycologists, evening socials and a guest speaker. Food and accommodation are provided at a reasonable cost.

Mushroom Identification Classes

Mushroom identification classes are usually held in September. Classes are open to MST members only.

Workshops and Field Trips

From time to time, MST organizes workshops on topics of special interest to members. MST also arranges visits for members to mushroom farms, research stations and other locations of mycological interest.

Resource Library List

As a member of MST, you have access to a small library of books, magazines and slides. There are informative books for beginners as well as advanced texts for serious students of mycology.
