Membership Policy
Approved: |
June 26th, 2024 |
The purpose of this policy is to outline the conditions and restrictions for renewing and maintaining membership in the MST.
Member |
A member is an individual who is either the account holder of an individual membership or an individual included in a family membership. |
Account holder |
The account holder of a membership is the individual who purchases or renews a membership, or the recipient of a gift membership. |
Gift membership |
A membership purchased by an individual on behalf of another individual or family. |
Household |
A household is defined as one or more people living at the same address, related to each other by birth, marriage, domestic partnership or adoption. |
Suspension |
A change in membership state after which the membership is still considered valid, but is no longer considered in good standing. |
Termination |
A change in membership state after which the membership is no longer considered valid. |
Notification in writing |
Notification in writing covers notification by postal mail or email. |
- Code of Conduct
- Mission and Values of the MST
- Bylaws: 2.1 - 2.7 (Membership)
- Bylaws: 4.1 (Meetings of Members - Annual General Meeting)
- Bylaws: 4.4 (Meetings of Members - Voting)
- Conditions for Membership
- Membership in the MST is open to any person or family who:
- Supports the mission and values of the MST
- Has not had a previous membership in the MST terminated for cause, or been removed for a membership for cause, within the last 2 years
- Is of the age of majority in the province of Ontario, in the case of individual or family memberships
- Provides their full name, postal address, telephone contact number and email address
- Agrees to abide by the Code of Conduct
- Is not restricted from associating with children or vulnerable persons
- Registers in an approved fashion and pays the required membership fee
- Is specifically admitted to membership by the Board
- Membership Classes
- Class A (voting) membership includes individual and family memberships.
- Class B (non-voting) membership includes affiliate memberships.
- Membership Categories
- Individual memberships
- Individual memberships are limited to a single individual. That individual must have attained the age of majority in the province of Ontario, regardless of their place of residence.
- Individual memberships are not transferrable.
- Family memberships
- Family memberships must be composed of at least 1 and not more than 2 persons who have attained the age of majority in Ontario, and up to 4 minors under the age of majority in the province of Ontario. Age requirements are applied regardless of the family's place of residence.
- All persons included in a family membership must reside in the same household.
- The Board may ask for proof of residence to determine eligibility for inclusion in a family membership.
- Family memberships are transferrable only between adult individuals included in the membership and not otherwise.
- Individuals who are under the age of majority in the province of Ontario at the time of membership registration will continue to be included in a family membership regardless of age, until they no longer reside at the address of record of the membership.
- Affiliate memberships
- Affiliate memberships are restricted to a single individual or organization.
- Affiliate memberships are offered in single instances and must be approved by the Board on a case-by-case basis.
- The Board may set a fee for affiliate membership.
- Affiliate memberships are not transferable.
- Affiliate memberships may be offered or awarded to:
- Institutions or organizations which support the mission and values of the MST
- Individuals under the age of majority in the province of Ontario
- To an individual as recognition of their achievement or service to the MST
- Members of other mycological associations
- Professionals in the field of mycology
- Other individuals at the Board's discretion
- Members of other mycological organizations are not automatically granted affiliate membership.
- Term of Membership
- Membership term for all membership classes and membership categories shall be for one year.
- Memberships may be offered in multiple-year packages as determined by the Board.
- A multi-year membership shall be considered a multiple of 1-year memberships.
- A new membership shall be considered active immediately upon successful processing of payment after registration.
- If the registration date of a new membership falls on the first day of a month, the membership term expires at the beginning of the anniversary day of the registration date.
- If the registration date of a new membership does not fall on the first day of a month, the membership term expires at the beginning of the first day of the month following the anniversary of the registration date.
- Memberships are suspended at the beginning of the day on which their expiry date falls.
- A 3-month membership grace period begins immediately upon suspension.
- Unrenewed memberships are terminated at the beginning of the day, three months after the expiry date.
- A membership is considered lapsed if it has been terminated.
- Lapsed memberships may be renewed.
- Renewal of a lapsed memberships is treated as a new registration with regard to calculation of membership expiry date.
- Lapsed memberships are reactivated immediately upon renewal.
- A membership may be renewed prior to its expiry date.
- If an existing active membership is renewed prior to the end of the membership grace period, the membership's expiry date is extended by one calendar year per year renewed.
- If an existing active membership is renewed prior to the expiry date, the membership's expiry date is exended by one calendar year per year renewed.
- A membership may be renewed an unlimited number of times prior to its expiry date. Any renewals prior to expiry date will be cumulative.
- Website login privileges are revoked when memberships are terminated, and are reactivated when a lapsed membership is renewed.
- The Board of Directors, at its sole discretion, may extend the grace period of a member or members in default.
- Membership Fees
- Membership fees shall be proposed by the Board and approved at the annual general meeting in accordance with Bylaw 4.4 - Voting
- Membership fee changes shall become effective following the annual general meeting (Bylaw 4.1 - Annual General Meeting) at which they are approved
- Conditions and Obligations of Membership
- To be considered a member in good standing of the Mycological Society of Toronto, the following conditions must be met:
- The member must fulfill the obligations of membership in accordance with Bylaw 2.5 (Obligations of Membership)
- The member must be current and up to date with payment of dues
- The member must discharge any outstanding debts to the MST in a timely manner
- Should any member fail to comply with the above stated conditions, they may be subject to temporary or permanent suspension of membership.
- Suspension of Membership
- A membership is suspended when:
- The expiry date of the membership has passed with no renewal of membership and/or payment of dues, in accordance with the policy regarding membership terms (4) and fees (5)
- The member has violated any provision of the articles, by-laws, or written policies of the MST, until such time that a resolution has been reached by the Board regarding said violation
- The member has carried out any conduct which may be detrimental to the MST as determined by the Board in its sole discretion
- A suspension must conclude in a termination or reinstatement of membership within a period of time in accordance with section 9.
- Upon any termination of membership, the rights of the member, including any rights in the property of the MST, automatically cease to exist.
- Termination of Membership
- A membership is terminated when:
- All adult members included in the membership die, or, in the case of a member that is a corporation, the corporation is dissolved
- On request from the member
- The member fails to pay their membership dues and/or the member's term of membership expires, in accordance with the policy regarding membership terms and fees
- The member fails to abide by the Obligations of Membership as outlined in Bylaw 2.5
- The member has carried out any conduct which may be detrimental to the MST as determined by the Board in its sole discretion
- Any other cause that the Board in its sole discretion considers sufficient
- The MST is liquidated or dissolved under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act
- If a membership is terminated for any other reason besides non-payment of membership fees, the member shall be notified in writing within 14 days, including:
- The reason for the termination
- What appeals process is available to them, if any
- Upon any termination of membership, the rights of the member, including any rights in the property of the MST, automatically cease to exist.
- Upon any termination of membership, any property of the MST in the possession of the terminated member must be returned to a representative of the Board within 30 days.
- Termination of membership is not required to be preceeded by suspension of membership.
- Every adult or child included in a family membership who has been determined to be in breach of this policy will be removed from the membership.
- If no adults remain in a family membership, the membership itself is terminated.
- In the case where minor(s) are responsible for the termination, the membership is terminated.
- Right to Appeal Membership Termination
- A member who has been suspended or terminated according to section 8 may make written submissions to the president or such other officer as may be designated by the Board, in order to appeal or dispute the suspension.
- Written appeals must be submitted within 30 days of notice of termination.
- The Board may designate an Appeals Committee to review appeals and disputes regarding suspensions and terminations.
- If a written appeal is received in accordance with this policy, the Board will consider such submissions in arriving at a final decision and shall notify the member concerning such final decision within a further 30 days from the date of receipt of the submissions.
- The Board's decision shall be final and binding on the member, without any further right of appeal.
- Honorary Membership
- The Board may, at its discretion, award honorary memberships to persons who have rendered distinguished service to the MST.
- Honorary members will be members of the MST in perpetuity, without any further payment of membership dues.
- Board of Directors Membership Fees
- Membership fees occurring during a member’s tenure on the Board of Directors are waived, providing that either:
- The member’s current tenure began at least 3 months prior to membership expiry, and
- The member’s current tenure on the Board of Directors began after May 8th 2021
- The member’s current tenure began at least 3 months prior to membership expiry, and
- The duration of the member’s previous tenure on the Board of Directors was at least 12 months